Whenever I photograph people I want to get to know them.
I really want to connect.
It is only from that connection that I portray people
aiming to capture the authentic person.
I love people and I find everyone beautiful the way they are.
With my portraits I hope to give them that feeling too
and I hope to make the viewer see the beauty that I see.

Would you like me to photograph you?
Send me an e-mail: monique@antropo-photography.nl
Portrait Noor
Portrait Daan
Portrait Tekstra kids
Portrait Sophie under table
Portrait Sophie and monkey
Portrait Sophie crazy face
Portrait Quint crazy face
Portrait Yen
Portrait Nazia
Portrait mama
Portrait Jasmin and Phoebe
Portrait Eva pregnancy
Portrait Quint upside down
Portrait Noor in Alsace
Portrait Patrick
Portrait Patrick fashion
Portrait Emma eyes closed
Portrait Cambodian captain 2
Portrait Cambodian captain 1