Torn by the everlasting conflict in the area, Israel and the Palestine areas are complex countries. But for three world religions it is also sacred ground. And that is what had always inspired me to go there. Walking around one can not miss out on the diversity of religious people. Jews, Christians and Muslims walk by each other as if there are no problems at all.
But then there is also the military, which is present everywhere you go. And the borders around and within the country of Israel, often clearly marked by high fences or walls.
With all of its history, politics, religion and their effects on the people, Israel is fascinating.

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Israel – BW Jewish boys- 1200px
Israel – BW Jewish men- 1200px
Israel – BW Praying woman Jordan River- 1200px
Israel – Baptist man Jordan River- 1200px
Israel – Praying men Western Wall- 1200px
Israel – Praying Jewish woman Western Wall – 1200px
Israel – Jerusalem city of three religions- 1200px
Israel – Jewish family in the light Jerusalem- 1200px
Israel – Harbour Tel Aviv- 1200px
Israel – Muslim woman and Israeli soldiers Jerusalem- 1200px
Israel – Temple Jerusalem Al Aqsa mosque- 1200px
Israel – Ethiopian monastery Jerusalem- 1200px
Israel – Praying woman in Church of holy sepulchre Jerusalem- 1200px
Israel – Bethlehem graffitti Make hummus not walls- 1200px
Israel – Fruit salesman in desert- 1200px
Israel – Landscape panorama Jordan desert- 1200px
Israel – Bedouin man with camels- 1200px
Israel – Camel head- 1200px
Israel – Fighting capricorns- 1200px
Israel – Chewing camels- 1200px
Israel – Camel backs Jordan Petra- 1200px